Industry sectors
4 June 2020

The first virtual exhibition of Belarusian manufacturers Made in Belarus #AgroFood will open on June 16, 2020 and will showcase products of the leading Belarusian agricultural and food companies.

The exhibition will be an online trade show consisting of virtual booths of Belarusian companies. Each booth will include online product samples, videos and business offers. The visitors will be able to view personal video greetings and talk to a company representative via a text chat. All information will be both in Russian and English.

The Agro Pavilion will demonstrate agricultural machinery and equipment, technologies and developments in agriculture, fertilizers and plant protection agents; the Food pavilion will showcase food products and beverages. The exhibition will present more than thirty Belarusian companies and production facilities.

Among the key participants are State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus that will demonstrate Belarusian scientific developments in agriculture and food supplies, and Extraservice company will showcase a line of ground-breaking process equipment and components for livestock units. Since 1996 the company has been providing service and maintenance and failure-free operation of supplied agricultural equipment in the CIS. 


Top level maintenance is assured by in-house warehouse and manufacturing facility, a design engineering department and field installation teams. During the exhibition the company will demonstrate new in-house products commissioned in 2019: stainless automatic group water bowls and a multipurpose milk pumps to deliver milk form refrigerating facilities at dairy farms to a milk truck.

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The General Partner of the virtual exhibition – Minsk Dairy Plant No.1 – is a pioneer in everything: back in 1975 it was the first plant in Belarus to produce chocolate glazed curd bars – one of the signature products of the Belarusian dairy industry. And today Minsk Dairy Plant No.1 is the only Belarusian producer of blue cheese and roasting cheese. Minsk Dairy Plant No.1 is also going to surprise guests of the virtual exhibition. This time with such innovation products as a curd dessert produced by ultrafiltration and a curd cocktail made by curd separation. The plant products are exported to Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, China, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, the USA, Syria and other countries.


Grodno Meat-Packing Plant has over a 100 years history and is one of the major Belarusian complete cycle meat packing plants. Every month the plant produces 1200 tons of beef and 1800 tons of pork, sells 3000 tons of sausage products and smoked products, and over 500 tons of semi products. The plant exports beef bones, bulk beef, boned and bone-in beef, byproducts, fat, sausage products and smoked products, beef and pork semi products. In 2019 Grodno meat-packing plant was awarded a Halal Certificate for production of chilled and frozen carcass beef and beef quarters. During the exhibition the plant will showcase the new products, including beef sausages with prunes and jamon. The company’s major export markets are Azerbaijan, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Georgia, Kazakhstan, China, Russia and Uzbekistan.


Slonim Meat Processing Plant was awarded a Halal Certificate as early as in 2016. The export map includes a number of countries: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Vietnam, Iran, Kazakhstan, Canada, China, Moldova, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Among the signature products of Slonim Meat Processing Plant are a range of pate with tastes of ethnic cuisines. Among the new exhibits we would like to particularly mention the boneless meat packaging technology. After vacuuming, the package with a product is subject to thermosetting under the CRYOVAC technology. As a result, the product takes less space, has a better marketable condition and is protected against accidental opening.


Molochny Mir will demonstrate their new products as part of the exhibition: sterilized milk in a new pack with a 1 year shelf life in different volumes (0.5-1 l), sweet cream butter in large packaging up to 2 kg, as well as a new premium product line Goroden made from extra grade milk. Over 50% of the company products are exported. The Molochny Mir brand is well known in 35 countries: Japan, Azerbaijan, Syria, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Russia, Turkey, China, Vietnam, Uzbekistan, Singapore and others.


One of the best known Belarusian confectionary brands Kommunarka will showcase chocolate goods produced by an innovation “cold stamp” casting. This new process line for chocolate and chocolate sweets was launched at the factory in 2019 as a tribute to Kommunarka’s 90th anniversary. The advantages of a new line include natural ingredients for the filling (currant, cranberry and apricot puree with pieces of berries and fruits). By the way, Confectionary Factory Kommunarka was the first company in Belarus to produce chocolate with double-layers fillings. New exhibited products include Children’s Stories milk chocolate with milk and strawberry and yoghurt fillings.

Another major confectionary factory in Belarus – Spartak – will exhibit a range of new products, including chocolate boxes, flavored white chocolate and diabetic chocolate.

The International Online Agricultural Forum will be held as part of the exhibition and will discuss the current situation in agriculture and foreign trade, involving representatives of public authorities and companies from multiple countries.

The General Partner of the exhibition Made in Belarus #AgroFood is Minsk Dairy Plant No.1, the partner is Game Stream JLLC – Minsk Center Developing the World of Tanks online game.

The organizer of a series of online exhibitions Made in Belarus Online is the Belinterexpo Unitary Enterprise of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry which have organized and held over 250 exhibitions and expositions in 60 countries worldwide throughout its history.

The first virtual exhibition Made in Belarus #AgroFood is held with the assistance of ministries and industry institutions, as well as diplomatic missions of the Republic of Belarus abroad.

Attendance of the exhibition is free (subject to compulsory registration). Registration opens on June 1st at:, and the interactive platform opens on June 16th. A text chat for communication with companies will be available from June 16th through 18th, and then the platform will be available for attendance in the trade show mode until July 19th.

For more details, please visit:

